Images Rank Tracking

Check your website position on Google Images. Our images rank tracking tool allows to track and monitor images SERPs for your desired keywords. Optimize your images to target quality traffic from Google Images.


How to set-up an Google Image Rank Tracking Report - Geo-Located

Select the Rank Tracker Tool in the left-side TOOL MENU and select cities

  1. Click on RankTracker from the Dashboard Section



You can create only one type of report at the same time:

  1. Choose Search Engine
  1. Enter the advance tab and choose Google Image Alt
  1. Enter the website URL

Each ACCOUNT allows an unlimited number of URLS.

You can add multiple URLs in the same report by just clicking "ADD". Each URL is going to be searched for the Keywords and Locations selected:

  1. Enter targeted keywords – one per row

Add any keywords you want. You can use the "Variables" section as well:
Keyword 1
Keyword 2
Keyword 3
Keyword 4
Keyword 43


Very Important

The keywords must contain the image alt name that you have given to your blog post or product pictures

Select Country

Normally, our system is geo-localised and will select the country automatically. The country can be changed easily.



You can select only one country - This is a LOCAL report with 1 country - multiple cities

Select the number of cities:

Add cities from the list or select previously used cities from "Popular Choices"


You can drag and drop the cities from the list


Adding zipcode

You can add custom city by name or zip code

You can add any type of zip code you want - EX. V0P 1N0, 90001

The report will be generated instantly - Enjoy the power of the data